Body odour is an undesirable stench that can emanate from a person's body due to sweat. Sweat glands produce sweat throughout the body and, when combined with bacteria, can cause an unpleasant odour. Various factors can cause body odour and can be a humiliating issue for many people. There are, however, various ways to avoid this.

 Sweating is the most common cause of body odour. When the body sweats, it produces a moist environment where bacteria can thrive. These bacteria subsequently degrade perspiration, emitting an unpleasant stench. Diet, anxiety, and certain illnesses are among the factors that influence body odour. 


Good cleanliness is one of the most effective strategies to reduce body odour. This includes taking a daily shower or bath, applying antiperspirant or deodorant, and wearing clean clothes. Antiperspirants inhibit sweat gland function, but deodorants hide the odour of perspiration. It is critical to select a product that meets your demands and tastes.

 Diet can also have an impact on body odour. Garlic and onions, for example, can cause unpleasant scents to be produced via the skin. Being conscious of what you consume and how it impacts your body is critical. Drinking plenty of water can also aid in removing toxins from the body, lowering the chance of body odour. 

Body odour can also be affected by stress. When the body is agitated, hormones are released that produce sweating. Finding stress-relieving activities like exercise, meditation, or talking to a therapist is critical. 


 Certain disorders can also cause body odour. Diabetes, liver and renal disorders, and hyperthyroidism are examples. If you have chronic body odour, consult a physician to rule out any major medical concerns.

 There are more ways to combat body odour besides these preventive measures. Wearing breathable clothing made of natural fibres such as cotton, for example, can help reduce sweating.

It is also critical to change your clothes frequently, particularly after exercising or sweating significantly. Applying baking soda paste to your armpits is another way to avoid body odour. Baking lowers the skin's pH, making it less favourable to microorganisms. Combine baking powder and water to prepare the baking dough until a thick mixture forms. Apply the paste to your underarms and keep it on for 10-15 minutes before removing with water.