Kenyan YouTuber and Comedian 2Mbili has said he is currently homeless and has been sleeping wherever the night takes him for the past three months.

During a question-and-answer session on Instagram, the comedian responded to a follower who expressed interest in taking a house tour.

However, 2Mbili emphasized that he is not searching for compassion since he already has a BMW, which is his personal space.

I am currently three months homeless!! Nalalanga kwenye usingizi imenipata!! Usinihurumie, Niko na BMW, it's my very personal space."

Later, the comedian came out to say that he wasn't broke but homeless.

"Homeless not broke," 2Mbili clarified.

2Mbili revealed last month that he has been battling on Instagram for the previous two months.

The comedian pointed out that he had only been acting as though everything was OK, but in reality he had been in pain.

He admitted that he had been staying at motels, his German machine, or friends' homes.

"It's Fine,Not To Be Fine!! The Past 2 months Have Not Been Easy … Just keeping My Cool & pretend All is Fine! Maybe Some day I will make you understand Why for the past few months I have been spending the nights in the cold streets, sleeping in my cars, hotels, friends' places etc PEACE IS SWEATER THAN SEX, I WILL EXCHANGE IT WITH EVERYTHING I OWN."