Kenyan socialite Amber Ray has verified that gospel musician Gift Musiq and TikTok sensation Alma Mutheu are dating.

Amber was grateful to Gift for being the creator of her videos and social media posts. Alma was referred to as Gift's main in a snapshot she published of the two of them together.

Fans have long conjectured that the two content producers are dating, but Alma has consistently said that they are just close friends.

Due to the skits they perform where they portray lovers, the two have developed a strong bond over the past few months.

 The majority of their supporters have believed that the duo's skits may be only the beginning.

Alma previously stated that although she is not dating Gift, she would do so if given the opportunity.

"No, we are not dating. But given a chance, I would date him, because he is an amazing person, very supportive. I still don't know much (about him). I'm still getting to know more about him."