Kenyan YouTuber residing in America, Betty Kalekye, has formally introduced her Caucasian boyfriend, Tyler, to her parents in a vibrant ceremony.

The couple recently visited Kenya to formalize their union and meet Kalekye's family members, who were all thrilled to welcome their new family member.

The event was attended by near and dear relatives and friends, all clad in orange-themed African attire to enhance the festive atmosphere. Kalekye's mother, in particular, expressed immense joy upon meeting her daughter's partner and conveyed her happiness through a heartfelt speech.

“I’m Kalekye’s mother and all I can say is that I am very happy because I did not expect to get a Mzungu in my family,” she said while wearing a big smile.

Other family members extended congratulations to the couple and conveyed their best wishes for their relationship. They commended Tyler for his respect and affection towards Kalekye and his openness to embracing their culture. Dressed in coordinating floral African outfits (vitenge), the couple expressed their joy and gratitude to the attendees. Tyler expressed his appreciation to Kalekye's family for welcoming him and showing him immense love.

“This means a lot to me. You guys even don’t know me and you have welcomed me with open arms. I would like to thank everybody for the love,” he said.

Watch the video: Kalekye also disclosed that the ceremony was a part of their tradition, and she experienced a mix of joy and emotions.

“It was both emotional and joyful. For me, it was just never thought I would get to such a moment celebrating my love towards someone. Tyler was wowed and it takes a lot to wow him! He also did not believe my family waited for us at the airport until 3.30 am including the kids. He felt so welcomed and accepted and he really loves my family now,” she said.

The ceremony concluded with the two lovebirds cutting a delectable cake and exchanging bites before sharing it with all the attendees.

They also posed for photographs and recorded videos, which Kalekye later shared on her YouTube channel.