Ssaru wa Manyaru, a Kenyan artist, has maintained her stance on dating and relationships.

Ssaru revealed in a recent interview with Mungai Eve that she cannot date a broke man, even if they fall in love.

She revealed that she recently dated a guy but left when she discovered he was broke.

The musician revealed that he forced her to pay bills she shouldn't have been paying, and she realized it was time to call it quits because she isn't a supportive girlfriend. She also stated that any man interested in her should be willing to pay a dowry of Ksh 1 million.

In a recent interview with Plug TV, the Kaskie Vibaya hitmaker revealed that her dowry is one billion dollars and that anything less will not be acceptable.

The musician also stated that she is not in a hurry to marry and that the amount for her dowry may increase over time.

"Let me tell you, I want to tell my current bae, but of course, I don't want to get married right now. I want to wait a couple of years. But every year, the amount increases; it's like a billion shillings, just like that."