Esma also emphasized that she would not heed any advice from family or friends regarding her new relationship.

Tanzanian entrepreneur, and fashion designer Esma Khan, widely recognized as Esma Platnumz, confidently revealed that she would never end her relationship over seemingly trivial matters like infidelity.

 Diamond's sister firmly asserts that cheating is a minor issue and not a sufficient reason to terminate a relationship.

Esma, presently in a relationship with a man known as Jembe One, outlined several factors that others might consider as extreme deal-breakers but asserted that they wouldn't prompt her to end her relationship.

These factors include issues like dealing with a partner's ex or baby mama drama, discovering children from a previous relationship that she was unaware of, and the partner having kids with another woman while they are together. Surprisingly, even financial constraints are not on Esma's list of reasons to walk away. She expressed her readiness to work hard for the well-being of both herself and her partner, even if the man isn't financially well-off.

Diamond's sister, who is reportedly gearing up for her upcoming wedding to her new partner, made her sentiments crystal clear on her Instagram page as she expressed her excitement and affection for her newfound relationship.

“Simuachi mume wangu eti kisa kuna mtu kasema kachepuka naye, simuachi eti kisa kazaa nje, mtajuana wenyewe mnavyolea mtoto wenu kwa kujiiba iba,” Esma said.

The entrepreneur emphasized that her current age did not permit her to stress over trivial matters or hop from one relationship to another. She underscored that her happiness took precedence.

In addition to the things she was willing to let slide in her relationship, Esma also made it clear that she would not entertain any advice or comments, whether from family or friends, concerning her man Jembe One.

“Simuachi kwa kufikiria ndugu wataniona aje au marafiki. Ninachojali mimi ni furaha yangu. Pia simuachi eti kisa hana hela, tutatafuta wote tutaleta mezani,” Diamond's sister added.

Concluding her thoughts, she observed that the streets were not a pleasant place, and she acknowledged the challenges she faced. Offering advice to fellow women, she encouraged them to remain committed to their current partners, even in the face of negative comments or gossip from others about their men.