Billionaire musician KRG The Don has finally revealed his new girlfriend's face after months of teasing his fans, announcing their wedding in December.


In an Instagram post by the musician , he posted a picture of his new bae enjoying an expensive breakfast, declaring his eternal love for her. KRG also noted that his entire world revolves around his new woman.

PHOTO | COURTESY His girlfriend

"My Queen ๐Ÿซ… enjoy your breakfast in peace and love โค๏ธ Mungu Asante kwa kunishushia malaika duniani ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™my whole world revolves around you my Queen โค๏ธ๐Ÿ’ฏ๐Ÿ” #SWM x #Bughaaa [Harusi December Budget $1M]" he posted.

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A post shared by Don Krg Bughaaa (@krgthedon)

for the past several months, the musician had been hinting at who his lover could be and had been showering her with luxurious gifts. Last week, he gifted her a car worth Ksh 4 million.

PHOTO | COURTESY KRG the don gifting her a car

In a video seen by Waza, the musician is seen giving his woman the keys to a white Volvo xc60 worth Ksh 4 million, telling her that he has tried to look for the car she really wanted, but it is out of stock in the country at the moment.

"Babe gal receive this small gift from Bughaaa I will sort you hio ingine later before June!!!!Ladies Valentine is coming where is your boyfriend? We shall be enjoying our Wednesday night at Ibiza Lavington Mall" he posted