Trisha Khalid, best known for her role as “Becky” in the popular TV series, shared her humble beginnings as a Modern Coast bus conductor.

Before rising to fame, Trisha’s career path was marked by diverse and challenging experiences.

She began her journey in the aviation industry, studying cabin crew training and briefly working in the sector. Her first job was as a car hire agent at a company in Mombasa, which she held before transitioning to the more demanding role of a Modern Coast bus conductor.

“I was a car hire agent at a certain company in Mombasa. After that, I became a bus conductor for Modern Coast. That job paid me 15K per month. I used to travel from Mombasa to Nairobi. I would go to Nairobi and return to the same job. I didn’t even have time for my family or myself,” she said during an interview with Vicky Vickinah.

As a bus conductor, Trisha's job was physically demanding, and she often had to manage passengers' expectations.

The actress reminisced about the most challenging aspect of her job, which was when passengers anticipated her to retrieve their luggage from the boot, a task she described as the "hardest job I've ever done."

Trisha's experience as a bus conductor helped her cultivate resilience and adaptability, qualities that have proven invaluable in her subsequent roles in the entertainment industry. Despite the hurdles she encountered, Trisha continues to flourish and remains a prominent figure in Kenyan entertainment.

Her journey serves as a testament to the significance of perseverance and determination in surmounting obstacles and attaining success.