Award-winning actress Catherine Kamau, popularly known as Kate Actress, has addressed speculation surrounding her recent trip to the United States, clarifying that the government did not sponsor it.

Amid reports that at least 30 individuals, including celebrities, accompanied President William Ruto on his state visit to the US, Kate Actress made it clear that she was not part of the official delegation.

The controversy arose after social media users questioned the source of funding for the trip, which was estimated to have cost taxpayers millions of shillings in travel expenses alone.

Responding to a comment insinuating that she was enjoying taxpayer money, Kate Actress firmly refuted the claim, stating that her trip was entirely self-funded and an investment in her personal brand and business.

“My invitation was courtesy of the US Embassy in Nairobi, and this trip is completely self-funded, just in case you thought my brand was beans,” she asserted.

Emphasizing that her trip resulted from a personal invitation from the US Embassy, Kate Actress highlighted her commitment to investing in her career and expanding her opportunities.

Despite facing online criticism, Kate Actress received support from fellow celebrities and industry peers. Fashion designer Nimrod Nick commended her achievements and defended her right to the exposure provided by the trip.

However, amidst the praise and criticism, PR manager and event organizer Slahver advised Kate Actress and other public figures to handle sensitive public reactions with professionalism and to avoid responding impulsively online.

Kate Actress’s clarification comes amid ongoing scrutiny of the state visit, particularly concerning the expenses incurred and the outcomes of the trip, including an anticipated meeting with American actor and filmmaker Tyler Perry that did not materialize.

In addition to Kate Actress, other public figures who accompanied President Ruto on the US state visit included Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi, Defence CS Aden Duale, Health CS Susan Nakhumicha, Governors Gladys Wanga, Wavinya Ndeti, Anne Waiguru, and Dennis Itumbi.