Diddy's legal problems are about to worsen because it has been reported that a grand jury has been appointed to hear evidence related to his federal investigation, which means he may be charged with a crime. 

According to two people familiar with the matter, CNN reported on Wednesday morning that the Justice Department is proceeding with its investigation into the music mogul by informing witnesses that they may testify before the grand jury in the Southern District of New York.

Diddy's accusers, who have sued him for severe crimes like human trafficking and sexual assault, are probably among the possible witnesses. Eight lawsuits have been filed against Diddy so far; the most well-known was filed by his ex-girlfriend Cassie and swiftly settled.

CNN added that Homeland Security Investigations agents are proceeding slowly and meticulously to ensure that the case against Diddy is "bulletproof" if and when the indictment is dropped.

A grand jury has been seated in this case, and TMZ has confirmed witness testimony and evidence will be presented.

If you're unaware, grand juries are made up of regular people. They are typically used to indicate that an investigation has progressed from its initial stage to a new one, during which the jurors will hear testimony from witnesses and prosecution witnesses, among other things. Ultimately, the grand jury decides to charge a defendant with a crime.

As we previously reported, Diddy's houses in Miami and Los Angeles were searched by police in March as a part of a federal probe into his alleged involvement in drug and sex trafficking as well as violations involving firearms.

CNN published surveillance footage of Diddy abusing Cassie in a 2016 hotel in L.A. earlier this month. The L.A. District Attorney's Office stated that the statute of limitations had passed, and they could not pursue the case.