A Photoshopped picture of Alinur Mohammad, created by an artist named Nicky Honest has created an online debate.

Kenyans are known for their vibrant and entertaining online culture and with a good internet connection, boredom is virtually impossible in Kenya.

Vocal politician Alinur Mohamed through his Facebook page posted the Photoshop picture with a Swahili caption "maisha ni yangu," in translation, this is my life.

In the Photoshopped picture, Alinur Mohamed is depicted wearing white attire, appearing unusually thick and short. His hands and legs are exaggeratedly thick, with a protruding chest and comically small shoes, suggesting tiny feet. The background features a car, giving the impression that Alinur is enjoying life or living his best life.

Netizens on social media had mixed reactions to the image. Below is a screenshot for their responses: