Comedian Eddie Butita recently reflected on his past differences with former Capital FM radio presenter turned content creator Miss Mandi. Displaying a mature and forgiving perspective, Butita told a local website that Kenyans should let bygones be bygones.

“It was up to her to turn me down, and the public should let this one go, even though it keeps coming up. I think Miss Mandi had a right to say what she said, we are all human beings, we have choices and that was hers.

The only question was how she went about it, she probably could have been a bit nicer without necessarily being ridiculous. It was wrong, but then again, who doesn’t make mistakes?"

The ever-rising Eddie Butita recently had to address a past issue that resurfaced online, involving a tweet from Miss Mandi mocking his comedy. In the tweet, Mandi expressed that she didn’t find Butita funny and doubted his comedy would ever land him a radio job, a position he desired at the time.

This isn't the first time Butita has shown grace regarding this issue. In January 2022, he accepted Mandi's apology to everyone she had wronged. Mandi had apologized for ‘unintentionally’ hurting those she had interacted with, although she claimed she could not recall any instances of bullying.

“I feel terrible that some of my actions could have caused some of those who have interacted with me such distress because that is not who I am now or what I stand for,” she said in a statement.

Butita responded by writing on his Insta-stories, "Apology accepted. Ambieni Miss Mandi nimemsamehea, I wish her well."