The newest endeavor for Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes is college.

Suri Cruise, a young woman with her own ambitions, has made a bold choice for her college years, as revealed by a classmate's TikTok that unveils her autumnal destination.

A video titled "LaG commitment day" featured Suri and her friends celebrating their choice of colleges for the upcoming fall semester. It was posted on TikTok on May 20. The video featured their college sweaters and was set to the Hannah Montana song "I'll Always Remember You." Additionally, the 18-year-old was seen dancing cutely with her friends and making goofy faces for the camera while wearing a red sweater from Carnegie Mellon University.

Despite her public breakup with Tom in 2012, Katie has always been a protective mother. She has been adamant about keeping Suri out of the spotlight, reflecting on their shared experiences. The Batman Begins actress believes it's crucial for Suri to have a private life, especially after being 'so visible at a young age.'

"I really like to protect her," the 45-year-old told Glamour last year. "I'm very grateful to be a parent, to be her parent. She's an incredible person."

The Dawson's Creek alumna, in a heartwarming display of gratitude, has expressed her appreciation for Suri's contributions to her most recent albums, 2022's Alone Together, and 2023's Rare Objects. Suri's singing and background vocals have added a special touch to these projects.

"I hope she always does something on my films," Katie said. "I always ask her. But both of those experiences came out of the same sense of what I love about our industry, which is, you have these projects and you become a family with people." 

She added, "It was very meaningful to me to have her there, because she's my heart."

Celebrity parents celebrating significant family milestones this spring are not limited to Katie. Continue reading to find out which other celebrities will honor a graduate in 2024.