UDM party leader Hon. Ali Ibrahim Roba has criticized Kenya's second in command, Rigathi Gachagua stating that Gachagua has rendered himself irrelevant and inconsequential, reducing his role to that of a mere tribal chief.

"At the beginning of the current term of the Kenya-Kwanza government, Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua has consistently made statements that undermine others and discuss the concept of government shareholding, distinguishing between those who are shareholders and those who are not.

It has been particularly shocking to hear such remarks from the second-in-command of the country. However, fate has a way of turning the tables.

Rigathi Gachagua finds himself lamenting the same shareholding issues he once criticized. Despite his previous negative remarks and ridicule, including his criticisms of certain governors like Mombasa's Abdulswamad Shariff Nassir during the flooding season caused by heavy rains, Kenyans have shown patience. He also singled out the people of Mandera, claiming they were not shareholders in the current government.

At that point, I remarked that Gachagua doesn’t even understand the meaning of government, let alone his role as the Deputy President of the Republic of Kenya. Now, he is preoccupied with alienating our populous Kikuyu brethren instead of building partnerships with other communities in the country.

"He has rendered himself irrelevant, inconsequential, and nothing but a tribal chief, failing to grasp that no single clan can build a government on its own in Kenya. We need each other at all times," said Hon. Ali Ibrahim Roba, UDM party leader.