Police officer  sadly lost his hand after a tear gas canister detonated in it while trying to stop the protests in CBD. According to a reliable source, the officer was among those attempting to contain the ongoing demonstration in Nairobi's CBD.

Several sources have confirmed that Nairobi residents are currently protesting against the proposed 2024 finance bill in the CBD. This development has caught the attention of many Kenyans, who have taken to various social media platforms to discuss the situation.

PHOTO | COURTESY: Aljazeera-Protest in Nairobi CBD

According to reports from many Kenyans, the government led by President William Ruto has misled them.

Simultaneously, the former Prime Minister of Kenya and Presidential candidate of the Azimio la Umoja Coalition, Honorable Raila Odinga, has also declared his opposition to the bill.

Members of Parliament from the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) have been urged by their party to vote against the proposed 2024 finance bill.