Kevin Costner revealed that he faced significant challenges on the set of "Hidden Figures," not from a rocket launch, but from a bout of kidney stones requiring morphine for pain relief.

In an interview with People released Saturday, Costner discussed the 2016 hit film, which highlights the contributions of several Black women to the space race. At around the 17-minute mark, he shared his experience during the final days of filming.

Playing the director of the Space Task Group, Costner said most of the shoot went smoothly until kidney stones struck. For the last 10 days on set, he relied on an IV drip of morphine for pain management. While he managed to function relatively normally for the first three days, the remaining seven were much tougher.

To hide the needle marks on his arms, Costner had to roll his sleeves down in the movie instead of keeping them up at his elbows. He emphasized that he's never worked drunk or high, though he admitted using morphine in his trailer during this period. Despite the pain, he didn't miss a single day of shooting, demonstrating his resilience and professionalism.

"Hidden Figures," starring Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, Janelle Monáe, Jim Parsons, Glen Powell, Kirsten Dunst, Mahershala Ali, and more, became a massive success, grossing over $230 million at the box office.

In conclusion, Costner proved himself to be the ultimate professional, handling intense pain and still delivering a stellar performance. Not even medical-grade morphine could take him out of commission.