The Kanye West saga continues to unfold with unexpected and troubling developments. On August 7, West's former chief of staff, Milo Yiannopoulos, made a shocking claim that the rapper was secretly addicted to nitrous oxide. Yiannopoulos accused West's dentist, Dr. Thomas P. Connelly, of being responsible for the addiction, alleging that Connelly was trying to impair West's mental faculties so that his business associates could exploit him financially. Both West and Connelly have denied these accusations, but recent evidence has surfaced that supports Yiannopoulos' claims.

On August 13, a text conversation between Kanye West, Yiannopoulos, and Dr. Connelly was leaked, revealing discussions about nitrous oxide. In the messages, Connelly expressed his desire to see nitrous oxide legalized for recreational use, to which West seemed to agree.

The most concerning part of the exchange is West repeatedly asking Connelly if he can use nitrous that day, indicating a possible dependency. After some delays, Connelly eventually agrees to bring nitrous to West at the Chateau Marmont hotel in Los Angeles.

This text exchange adds weight to Yiannopoulos' allegations, particularly regarding the nature of the relationship between West and Connelly. Yiannopoulos also claimed that several of West's employees had expressed concerns about the rapper's well-being, noting that there was a "nitrous installation" in his home. When confronted by Yiannopoulos, Connelly allegedly dismissed the concerns, insisting that the nitrous tanks in West's home were empty.

Despite these serious accusations, Dr. Connelly has strongly denied any wrongdoing. His representative told TMZ that Yiannopoulos' claims are "not only factually incorrect but also intentionally misleading." As this story unfolds, it seems likely that more details will emerge.