The drama was always a given when Eric Omondi's widely anticipated visit to the Kiss FM studios finally happened this morning.

And Guys! It indeed dropped like a rock! A struggle of wills between the two comedians resulted in an altercation between them and their security personnel.

Everything began when Eric said that no other comic performing on the African continent could be comparable to him.

Eric laughed at this idea before asking Obinna if he was a comedian.

You're a radio host, Eric smugly remarked.

The co-host of Kiss FM then remarked that Eric lived in a bubble. Eric laughed at this idea before asking Obinna if he was a comedian.

You work as a radio host. Eric stated arrogantly.

The co-host of Kiss FM then remarked that Eric lived in a bubble.

"You tell me; I'm not sure. I perform all because I am an entertainer. It is not your concern.

You know that you speak with arrogance when you refer to yourself as the president of humour. When did you last do a legitimate comedy show in Kenya? You're frequently performing for Ushago shows, "Obinna fought back.

After Kwamboxx tried to defuse the situation by stating that the comic was currently on tour, he said, "I go on tour."

However, Obinna was unyielding and emphasized that Eric's trips were to neighbourhood clubs like Tribeca. "Wapi? on a Kiss tour? "He responded.

"You see, pole sana waMeru, when Ruger goes there, it is like shagz."

By the way, Kwamboxx said, "I don't co-sign that message. It's a town.

Eric continued by listing all the locations he had visited while on tour with Obvinna, which he labelled "maushago."

"In Uganda, I've visited 17 cities and towns. It implies that I actually serve as president."

Kwamboxx then posed the well-known question.

How do you juggle all of this while still finding time to meddle in other people's affairs?

Quickly and without hesitation, Eric responded,

"Because these people's affairs are my affairs. Wananiaibisha. Too many are regional."

After a few more minutes of this intellectual duel between Eric and Obinna, things turned for the worst when Obinna questioned Eric's sexuality due to the star's frequent cross-dressing.

He told him to emerge from the closet, which caused Eric to lose his cool.

At that point, Eric took matters into his own hands and boldly attacked the Kiss presenter.

Check out the video below;