By the mention of his name, you already know it is "criticism" time! Your next question will probably be, what has he done this time round?  Fortunately, he has decided to act differently this time.

When he began his content creation career, Mr. Lambistic Andrew Kibe has frequently been attacking people. Kibe will attack even the closest people who he has ever worked with, like Kamene Goro. 

Kibe regularly criticizes celebrities on his YouTube channel, which has made him the target of a sizable number of haters.


The YouTuber, however, has slightly deviated from his usual approach by doing the opposite. The OG himself, Khaligraph Jones, is the fortunate individual to receive praise from Kibe!

Many commenters agreed with him that Khaligraph has been working hard and that his best work is still ahead of him.

Kibe has been responding to various discussions and incidents involving individuals in the entertainment sector. He has positioned himself as a champion of the boy child, and there has been discussion over whether he ought to succeed the late Mzee Kibor as chairman of the men's conference online.


Mr. Kibe has worked with major media organizations like KISS 100 and NRG Radio. He is currently one of the most engaging media personalities in Kenya. According to reports, he made between Ksh100,000 and Ksh200,000 from his job.

Also, he has a sizable YouTube account with the name Andrew Kibe, which has more than 300,000 members and more than 52 million views.

PHOTO | COURTESY Khaligraph Jones

Also, Andrew Kibe started a podcast called the Andrew Kibe show, where he discussed his hot thoughts on dating and women.

Despite everything he accomplished, he made an unsuccessful attempt to start a political career. He ran for the Lang'ata constituency seat in 2012 but lost to Joash Olum, who ultimately won.

Many people believe Kibe to be resentful, especially toward women. It seems hilarious to say that Andrew Kibe was formerly a pastor, doesn't it? But there is more to that; Kibe was a loving husband to one beautiful woman, but like most contemporary marriages, theirs ended in divorce.


Several individuals think Kibe reverted to his former self after his marriage and developed bitterness, rage, and bad behaviour.

Kibe recently disclosed how he met his wife while doing church work. His wife sang in the choir as well. When they were dating, according to Kibe, his wife was the ideal woman, but when they were married in a church ceremony, she started to show her true colours.