Vivian, a popular Kenyan musician known for her hit song "Chum Chum," has opened up about her breakup with her husband, Sam West. In a recent interview with Massawe Japanni, Vivian revealed that it was Sam West who ended the relationship after being together for over five years. According to Vivian, Sam had many expectations that she couldn't fulfill, which eventually led to his frustration and decision to end the marriage.

"Nowadays it's like we want to punish the other person because they are not what you want them to be. There were a lot of betrayals. There are some things he wanted from me and his patience run out. We were now getting into the next phase of our life." she said.

A while ago Vivian made a post on her social media that read, “As adults, life is about choices. Everyone has a choice to be with who they want to be. The person I was with decided to leave and there was nothing I could do.”

In yet another post on her Instagram, Vivian posted a short throwback video of Sam West proposing to her a few years ago on live Tv at Citizen and followed up the video with a caption, "Ndio huyo Murife."

This was in reference to a statement Sam West made a few weeks ago in regard to the fall of his marriage to Vilian where he said he was forced to run from his marriage to guard his sanity. 

It is not clear why the two split up but what is clear is that whatever happened between them, left Vivian in a very bad emotional place. 

Just last week Vivian posted a question to her fans asking them for advice on what to do when a past lover wants to come back into their life. 

"What would make you take back an ex who was away and now wants to come back after one or two years being away and distant," the post read.

A lot of fans read and interpreted that as a sign that Vivian's ex Sam West wants to come back. Well, the fans have had different opinions on the matter, but still, Vivian is the one who would make the final decision.


Not too long ago Vivian posted saying that she is not okay and needs her fans to pray for her since someone who left them now hates them. 

"I am not well. I have been getting support but sometimes I crash. My heart is so heavy. Someone left us and now hates us.

I’ve been trying to rebuild but I’ve been wondering why. Please pray for me because I’m still a mother."

This was after she revealed that they are not on the same ride with her husband Sam West, at the moment in an interview with 2mbili the comedian. Her post led many to think that maybe it is the situation of their relationship that had led her to make that post with the person she is referring to in the post, being Sam West.

Fans have been worried and concerned that Vivian is depressed seeing that she has also stayed for a long time without releasing new music. She shortly after went on to shave all her hair and this is what she had to say about it.

 " I realized that no matter what I did or what I said and how unprepared I was for the changes in my life that it was completely above my power. So instead of searching for worldly comfort, God necessitated that I yearn for Him. It was very strange," continued Vivian.

"And on those days I get into despair over my past life, my upbringing, and other pains I force myself to shift focus. I am not sure about the future and this message is not for critics or wajuaji, " she added.

She went on to add that she felt like things were not working out anymore and that she could not handle tough love anymore. 

“I’m extremely hurt and broken and I am not sure what this is doing to my brain.”