Wuuueh, my guys, its that time we have all been waiting for🥵. Rumours have it that the Sports Cabinet Secretary Ababu Namwamba is hooking up with the queen of Tiktok, who goes by the name Nasenya Azziad.🤫

This was allegedly confirmed after a photo leaked to the media showing the CS wearing rubber sneakers, and in another shot, Azziad was seen wearing the same. I mean, come one who doesn’t know what is happening here.🤔

Well, I think the girl has made it in life because she has been travelling a lot to posh places after she accepted Ababu’s appointment for the Talanta Hela committee. 

Mmmh, let's just come down, take a minute and think this over. Could the shoes be different? But how come they have the same colour, size, shape and everything else?

Whhoo, I like where this is going; I mean, they are both “kinda single” what could go wrong? hehe😁