Numerous renowned individuals, influential figures, and accomplished individuals all had humble beginnings. A significant portion of them embarked on their journeys without significant financial resources, yet they now enjoy lavish lifestyles, some of which they proudly showcase on social media. Dr. William Samoei Ruto, the President of Kenya, serves as a prime illustration. He has gained recognition as a prominent go-getter and presently holds the responsibility of leading an entire nation.

Kenyans on Twitter have been actively sharing and discussing a throwback photo of Kenyan content creator Andrew Kibe, who is currently based in the USA. Andrew Kibe has garnered significant attention for his remarkable masculine presence, which he regularly showcases on his various social media platforms.

Tweep Omwamba commented on the photo circulating online saying that if at all the man on the photo was Andrew Kibe then he has no hurry in this life .

“Kama Huyu Ni Kibe Sina Haraka Na Maisha Kabisa ” he wrote.

Andrew Kibe, alias Mr. Lambistic is renowned for his engaging style and powerful internet presence as a content creator. Kibe is a Kenyan who resides in the USA. Mr. Kibe has made a significant impact in the digital realm, garnering both acclaim and controversy in equal measure. His contributions have ignited widespread discussions, making him a prominent figure in Kenya's online landscape.


Known for his outspoken and often controversial views, Kibe has captured the attention of audiences through his bold and unfiltered approach. While some admire his candidness and willingness to address sensitive topics, others have criticized him for pushing boundaries and stirring controversy.

In a country where public discourse can be polarizing, Kibe's presence has certainly sparked intense debates. His willingness to tackle taboo subjects head-on has both resonated with and challenged traditional norms, leading to a mixed reception among Kenyans.


 Through his unapologetic approach, he has initiated conversations and forced people to confront difficult issues, ultimately contributing to a more dynamic and diverse online discourse.

Kibe's captivating content revolves around a distinct masculine persona, which has resonated with many of his fans. His social media platforms serve as a stage where he showcases his outstanding personality, often sharing his thoughts, opinions, and experiences. Kibe's online presence has allowed him to engage with a wide audience, creating a significant impact and sparking discussions on various topics.