Ruth Matete, a vocal instructor, has resumed her dating life. After the passing of her late spouse, Matete has talked openly about dating. In 2020, it was a gas cylinder explosion in their house that claimed her husband's life.

Ruth admits moving on and adoring the newfound tranquillity in a conversation with her best friend, Reverend Dad, also known as Mzungu Mwitu.

Since 2015, the two have been close friends. He asked her to sing at a youth conference in Eldoret, where they first met.

Rumours of a relationship between Ruth and Mzungu Mwitu have surfaced online but she denied the reports, saying, "Jesus if they knew," while laughing at the idea.

She revealed the shocking information: "I am not pregnant, I am not dating Mzungu Mwitu(Reverend dad), guys, I am dating someone else."

Ruth said, "Shhh, oh my God, but yes, I am dating, I can't say I am dating, ngai dating ni nini?" after realising what she had just said. 

YEEES, I like someone, and we have conversations about each other. While drinking coffee, we regularly text each other in the morning. She exclaimed, while laughing. Mwitu claimed that before meeting Ruth, he was a friend of Ruth's spouse.

"Funny enough, God answers prayers regardless of how not earnest your prayer is. I have always asked to meet my man in the church, and he sees me worship God. We were invited separately to an event.

When I walked in late, worship was going on. He was kneeling; I didn't see his face nicely because he was bowing down, and I was like, eish, okay,  fast-forward after he preached, I was the next person ministering."

She subsequently became obsessed with him rather than immediately away.

"He came to say hello after service. And when he requested my phone number, I gave it to him. hehe 

Ruth was previously married, but her husband passed away four months into their union.

Ruth has never forgotten the pain and grief brought on by the incident. 

After his passing, she took a break from social media, and on his birthday, seven months later, just before giving birth, she reappeared.

"The cyberbullying had an impact on me so much afterwards. If someone had told me I would experience the loss of a husband at an early first pregnancy i would not have believed, but am blessed by God's grace, the gospel pastor continued. I was two months pregnant when he passed away.