Akothee's daughter, Vesha Sharleen, who was among the invited guests to the Barbie International Film screening made headlines when she candidly revealed her decision to walk out of the event. In an Instagram video posted on Sunday, July 23rd, Vesha expressed her opinion that the film was rather dull and lacked the excitement and hype it had received. She fearlessly shared her honest critique, stating that the movie did not live up to its expectations, prompting her to leave the screening early. Her frank assessment garnered significant attention, sparking discussions among fans and media alike.

The Barbie International Film screening has become the hottest topic in town, with Kenyan celebrities taking center stage at the prestigious event held here in Kenya. Notable personalities, such as the former Machachari actress Joy and the popular social influencer Fao Shyshy, were among the esteemed guests invited to grace the film's grand launch. The presence of these and many other celebrated figures added glamour and excitement to the occasion, making it a night to remember in the entertainment scene of Kenya.

"I literally had to walk out, I think Iam too old for Barbie and I felt that it is a film for 8-year-olds." Vesha argued.

Although the Barbie International Film screening received numerous positive reviews from several celebrities in attendance, it also faced criticism from some public figures. Akothee's daughter, Vesha Sharleen, was not alone in expressing her reservations about the event. Former Machachari actor, Govi, also joined in the conversation, highlighting the importance of showing enthusiasm and support for Kenyan content on par with the excitement often given to international films. His remarks ignited a discussion about the significance of promoting and celebrating local talent, encouraging a balanced appreciation of both local and international productions within the Kenyan entertainment industry.

In addition, controversial content creator Shorn Arwa voiced her disapproval towards certain celebrities who graced the event, asserting that their dress code was below the expected standards. Through her candid remarks, she ignited a debate about fashion choices and the importance of dressing appropriately for such high-profile occasions. Shorn Arwa's critique added another layer of discussion to the aftermath of the Barbie International Film screening, drawing attention to the significance of presenting oneself in a manner befitting the glamour and prestige associated with such events.