President William Ruto made a splash online in Mombasa by leaving the house wearing a "Ganja" shirt.

The head of state was pictured in pictures posted online sporting a blouse with a marijuana drawing all over it.

With several social media posts, Netizens have attempted to voice their ideas in response to the controversial photographs that have gone viral.

numerous commenters

Given that the President is wearing clothing with a drawing of a marijuana plant, the images sarcastically urged him to legalize the drug.


Scientists and academics from Kenya have suggested that because cannabis has medical uses, it is safe to consume.

Prof. Simon Mwaura, an economist, David Ndii, and Gwada, among other Kenyans, are some of the supporters. Raila Junior advocated for the legalization of it.

Reactions from Kenyans on President William Ruto's Shirt;

krgthedon Vuta bangi kabisa 😂😂😂

_nicolekairu Tumwambie ama tunyamaze?🤣🤣🤣

memeszaannie Legalize it..Seriously though, where did he get this shirt...? 😂

iammuhia I'm a ganja farmer 😂😂😂

its_.caleb8 Unakumbuka mwalimu wa science akikudanganya weed is an unwanted plant😂😂

_vicks_k forget about his shirt, the bombastic side-eye from the guy in blue shirt 😂🙌       

runo_jack, Now I understand that story of lions swimming in Lamu...😂

latashawaise In short Tuvute bangi tulale

ngugi_aggy Leave alone the weed t-shirts. Look at the guy wearing a purple t-shirt 😂😂😂😂 bombastic side eye 😂😂😂

eljaco._ Hii ni wajakoyah alimpea kama gift after ameshinda

africanaviator01 Weed print, Wajackoya well represented

juliohwachira Wajakoyah joins the government 🤣🤣🤣

captain_constand Walisema atawaambia bt mtaona tu signs 😂😂😂

almarula Maybe he thinks it's dhania...

iamalvinouma I'll still say this for free "Free MaryJane" jina hamtaki 😒😅?