According to the gospel singer, Nate, Kambua's firstborn child, was born as a preemie.

According to the Kids Health website, preemies are defined as babies born more than three weeks before their scheduled due date. Premature newborns (preemies) did not have enough time before birth to grow and develop as much as they should have.

According to the artist, giving birth on August 10th, 2019, changed her life forever.

"I was not only a first-time mom, but also a preemie mom (I promise to share this in detail one day). My heart was ready for the journey ahead, but there are some things that weren't quite in place yet. And his early arrival meant that they had to be put on pause and deprioritized. "

She said that she never got to have her dream baby room. "Top on this list was the baby room. *tears*. I had always envisioned what kind of room I wanted for my baby. But my disappointment paled in comparison to the joy of beholding my miracle baby. I remember my sisters (wanajijua), quickly putting together what they could to make the room somewhat baby friendly."

"I had to shelve my dream and focus on ensuring baby was well, and then life just kept… happening."

She added that Nathalie, Kambua's most recent child, arrived on time.

"Last year after baby Nathalie made her arrival (on time)!, I decided that I would take my time and finally put together a proper room for my children. Last week I visited fine_cots and had an opportunity to reawaken my dream. I'm so thrilled to have them help me put this together✨"

She encouraged anyone feeling like they missed the timing of something "Anyone feeling like they had to settle for "less" than their original plan. Listen, God gives us an opportunity to dream again and also, when we trust his plan, we realize that everything we thought we'd lost can actually be redeemed."

Kambua is a mother of three; Nate, Nathalie, and the late Malachi.