During his trying times, Samidoh vividly recalled a visit to his friend's home in Githurai. Upon arriving, his friend had to step outside to urgently call his mother, seeking funds to offer hospitality to their unexpected guest. The friend explained the situation to his mother, mentioning that maize flour was the only food they had in the house.

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Filled with compassion, the caring mother promptly sent them the necessary money. With the newfound funds, Samidoh and his friend embarked on a joyful trip together to purchase eggs and sukumawiki, which they relished and shared as a satisfying meal. This heartwarming experience profoundly impacted Samidoh, reminding him of the significance of simple acts of kindness and the value of genuine friendship during times of struggle.

After bidding farewell to his friend and heading home, Samidoh demonstrated his genuine empathy by sending his only remaining balance in his M-pesa to his friend. He understood his friend's struggles and wanted to express his appreciation and support.

In light of this heartfelt experience, Samidoh offered a valuable piece of advice to his followers. He encouraged them never to visit someone empty-handed, as some individuals put in tremendous effort to ensure their guests feel comfortable and welcome. He emphasized that some people even resort to taking soft loans just to provide hospitality and sustenance to their visitors. Showing small gestures of gratitude and kindness can go a long way in acknowledging the efforts of those who open their doors and hearts to us.

Samidoh, the renowned Kikuyu Benga musician, has undoubtedly risen to fame through sheer hard work and unwavering determination. Just recently, he shared a heartwarming anecdote on his official Facebook page, reminiscing about a humble past when he visited a close friend who faced the daily struggle of putting food on the table.