Amidst the swirling speculations surrounding her fidelity, Karen Nyamu has decided to firmly address the rumours concerning her relationship with partner Samidoh. The controversy sparked intense debates on various social media platforms, with users discussing Nyamu's character at length.

Karen Nyamu's Facebook post received a comment from Moh De Lionness expressing admiration for her genuine nature and heartfelt demeanour. They praised her authenticity. However, there were differing opinions among netizens. Cecilia Keli raised doubts about Nyamu's intentions, questioning whether she truly exhibited virtue or if her actions were merely part of casual affairs.

Cecilia Keli's suspicion was promptly answered by Karen Nyamu, who jokingly dismissed any justification for her to be unfaithful while pointing out that Samidoh wasn't denying her intimacy. The lighthearted conversation gave insight into Karen Nyamu's chemistry with Samidoh and showed her confidence in their relationship.

When a clearly pregnant Karen Nyamu accused Samidoh of physical abuse in August 2021, the story of the couple's faithfulness had taken a more serious turn. She asserted that Samidoh contacted her regarding a male acquaintance she had made while on a work trip to Mombasa, which is when the argument allegedly broke out. Nyamu insisted that the exchange was entirely professional and condemned the uncalled-for violence.

As a result of the incident, Nyamu suffered physical injuries, and she expressed her determination to report Samidoh to the authorities. With an emotive narrative, she shared images on social media, revealing her bruised face and recounting the harrowing ordeal. Nyamu's decision to make her experience public highlights the serious issue of domestic violence and showcases her strong resolve to hold perpetrators accountable for their actions. By speaking out, she contributes to raising awareness about the importance of addressing and combating domestic violence in society.