A comment by Cosmo Choy has about Samidoh on his official Facebook page has attracted attention from  Kenyans and the Mugithi singer too. Cosmo Choy is a vocal UDA representative in the diaspora. In his comment, Cosmo didn't mince words as he addressed what he considered a significant misstep on his part – leaving Edday Nderitu and opting to marry Karen Nyamu. "You left your wife for a community wife, so sad. In USA there is no polygamy, respect your wife," posted Cosmo Choy

Cosmo Choy's comment on the post was both candid and direct. He didn't shy away from pointing out the perceived error in judgment, emphasizing the decision to part ways with Eddy Nderitu and enter into a new relationship. Cosmo's words struck a poignant note as he described this shift as unfortunate, characterizing Karen Nyamu as a "community wife."

In his comment, Cosmo Choy put forward his perspective on the situation. He used strong language to express his disappointment in the choices made, referring to leaving Eddy Nderitu, who was described as a "lovely wife." Cosmo went on to draw a sharp contrast by using the term "community wife" to describe the new relationship, a phrase loaded with implications that he found unfavorable.

Cosmo Choy's commentary within the comment section of the post didn't hold back from expressing his feelings. His choice of words highlighted his viewpoint and didn't shy away from addressing the personal aspect of Samidoh's decisions. The comment shed light on the dynamics of the situation, offering a glimpse into the perceived shift in values and priorities.

In his comment, Cosmo Choy succinctly captured his sentiment regarding the matter at hand. His use of the term "sad" indicated his genuine concern for the choices that had been made. By openly discussing his thoughts, Cosmo contributed to the ongoing conversation surrounding Samidoh's relationship choices, adding an additional layer of perspective to the public discourse.

Cosmo Choy's comment on Samidoh's post encapsulated the essence of his feelings, candidly addressing the situation and voicing his concern. His words, though forthright, brought to light the complexities of relationships and the wider implications of the choices we make. Through his comment, Cosmo engaged in a conversation that has captivated the interest of many, contributing to the ongoing dialogue about relationships, decisions, and their impact.

In the United States, polygamy is not permitted, and you must treat your wife with the same respect and affection that he himself shows to his wife Wambui. Samidoh noticed this and responded by questioning if he believed everyone wanted to follow in his footsteps. He continued by saying that Cosmo Choy is viewed as more of an alpha female than a male in Kenya.