Mugithi star Samidoh reacted quickly when a fan urged him to quit the Kenya Police Service and focus on his concert tours.

Commenting on one of the musician's Facebook posts , a fan wondered how the government still pays him despite the fact that he serves more as a tourist than a police officer.

The Facebook user going by the name Macharia Mash requested the musician to resign from the police force and leave the position open for other needy Kenyans to fill in light of his frequent music tours throughout the globe.

"And the government pays you as a policeman and you are more than a tourist, a fan commented.In his response, Samidoh seemed unfazed by the Facebook user's order.

"Now do you want to cry?" he replied.

The Mugithi singer has been entertaining his fans in a variety of entertainment venues while he is now in Melbourne, Australia. Just a few weeks have passed since the performers' appearances in Dubai and Germany.

Despite his success in the music industry, Administrative Police officer and musician Samidoh said last year that he had no plans to leave his security job. Although he never plays a police officer, he routinely posts images and videos of himself acting in various settings throughout the globe.

 The mugithi artist clarified that he worked on weekdays and when needed on weekends too. He went ahead to add that he does his music like any other talent in the police service.

The artist expressed that he had put in a lot of effort to secure his position.

He said owing to the rigorous police recruitment exercise, leaving the job could be very painful.