Hamisa Mobetto has been enjoying an exceptionally joyful period ever since her new beau, Kelvin Sowax, arrived in Tanzania. Her exuberance is prominently displayed on her social media platforms, where she has shared numerous photos and videos from various locations and experiences.

In a post the actress made on her Instagram page, she clearly reveals how her lover is treating her just the way she has always wanted to be treated. It is clear that Kelvin is giving her the best baby treatment and she is enjoying every bit of it. "I love being babied on, felt on, kissed on, & loved on šŸ„° @kevinsowax," she posted.

Hamisa has been making headlines lately, as all eyes in Tanzania are currently focused on her and her new lover who has stepped on the Tanzania's soil for the very fas time.

Through her post's captions, Hamisa seems to be deeply in love with Kelvin Sowax. In one of her captions, she wrote this, "Everybody has an addiction, mine happens to be you . šŸ‡ @kevinsowax......... leo nimemuandalia shemeji yenu breakfast kidogo .... Amekula afu amekula tena šŸ„°šŸ˜…."

Hamisa Mobetto's relationship with Kelvin Sowax has sparked various opinions and perspectives among the public. One individual who has expressed a less-than-positive sentiment about the couple is Juma Lokole.