Following continuous tension in Sondu town, the Kisumu County Security team, commanded by County Commissioner Hussein Alason Hussein, has arrived at the boundary between Kisumu and Kericho counties.

The security committee from the Soin Sigowet sub-county is supposed to join the team when they convene at the Anti-Stock Theft Unit base in Tol.

Following last night's raid, which has resulted in three persons' deaths, the team is anticipated to tour the damaged areas.

To prevent any escalation, there is a significant police presence in and around Sondu Market and its surroundings.

Youths who had blocked the Katito-Sondu road at Nyabondo junction early that morning were dispersed by anti-riot police.

The incident was denounced by the governor of Kisumu County, Prof. Anyang Nyong'o, who called it sad in light of the President's anticipated visit to the area.

"I hope we should find a lasting solution because it's very unfortunate that on the eve of the president's visits someone initiated the clashes at the border," Nyong'o remarked.

To ensure that justice is served for the afflicted families, the governor stressed that the national government must act quickly and catch the culprits responsible for last night's atrocity.