The peacekeeping mission to Haiti might be delayed after The High Court temporarily blocked police from being deployed to the gang-ridden country.

The Thirdway Alliance Kenya filed a suit, and two individuals opposed the deployment of Kenyan police officers to the Caribbean.

PHOTO | COURTESY Haiti Violence

Justice E.C Mwita, who delivered the orders, instructed that the pleadings be served on the respondents as soon as possible.

"That a conservatory order is hereby issued restraining the respondents from deploying police officers to Haiti or any other country until 24th October 2023," the judge's order read.

Once served, respondents will have three days to file and serve written responses to the petition, which cannot exceed ten pages.

PHOTO | COURTESY police officers

This temporary ban comes after several leaders have called the decision to send troops to Haiti a bad one for kenya. Francis Atwoli, The Central Organisation of Trade Unions (COTU), has asked the government to proceed cautiously as it plans to deploy 1,000 police officers, pointing out that superior nations have already attempted similar missions without success.

The opposition has also called on the country's preparedness for the mission, adding that the officers do not know the local language.

PHOTO | COURTESY Haiti violence

"Are our Police, most of whom speak neither French nor Creole and will find themselves in strange terrain, sufficiently prepared for this high-risk mission, or Ruto is ready to sacrifice innocent Kenya blood for American dollars and international recognition?" asked the opposition.

"Ruto must stabilize and secure Kenya before thinking of sending our security people to what is clearly a Mission Impossible in a country we even had no diplomatic ties until about two weeks ago," he added.