Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki announced on Wednesday that all personnel who have worked in the same police station for more than a year will be relocated immediately.

A maximum of 60 days have been granted to the National Police Service (NPS) to enable the transfers. Kindiki informed the Senate, admonishing officers who refuse to move that their wages will not be paid.

The government has ordered that the income of any officers who continue to resist beyond the initial 60 days or who, for whatever reason, do not transfer to another station would be stopped. That serious," the minister of security said.

According to Prof. Kindiki, it has been a while since the rules dictating how long a police officer should work atone station have been followed. He said the NPS was informed of the rules two weeks prior.

Meanwhile, he stated that the restriction of a year's maximum service at a certain duty station will be enforced for officers doing special duties.

Because of the dynamic and demanding nature of the activities they are involved in, Kindiki stated, "for those doing serious operations, normally we move them within one year."

In response to senators' inquiries about national security matters, the minister spoke.