Rebecca Miano has officially handed over the East African Community, Arid, and Semi-Arid Lands (ASALs), and Regional Development to Peninah Malonza.

Malonza initially served as the Tourism and Wildlife docket, while Miano is now heading the Trade Investment and Industry Ministry.

Among eight Cabinet Secretaries, President William Ruto moved the two in changes announced by Chief of Staff and Head of Public Service Felix Koskei on October 4.

The changes moved Kuria to the Ministry of Public Service Performance and Delivery Management.

Speaking during the handing over of the Trade docket to Miano, Kuria said he had set the country on the trajectory of economic revival while he was the CS for Trade.

Kuria noted that the wheels of production had “started rolling: as investors are ready industrialize the country from all corners through Cunty Aggregation and Industrial Parks (CAIPs).

“It has been 11 months marathon for me and my team at the ministry of Investments Trade and Industry (MITI) as I redrafted and aligned the ministry to our Kenya Kwanza administration agenda. I have done the foundation and put this country into an Economic revival and take off,” Kuria said

“The trade negotiations and investment partnership that we’ve initiated from all parts of the world like Indonesia, US, UAE, Saudi Arabia and others, will see this country move from an importing one to an export Giant.”