Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza, who is currently facing significant challenges, is heading into a crucial week in the Senate, with her two-day impeachment trial set to commence on Tuesday, November 7.

As a first-term governor, Mwangaza finds herself in a precarious position, particularly because the Senate has opted for the plenary route, rather than the committee route, to evaluate her impeachment.

This marks Governor Mwangaza's second appearance before the Senate in less than a year, and she will be navigating a sensitive path that has ultimately led to the removal of two other governors from office.

It's worth mentioning that the legislative procedure that led to the removal of former Governors Mike Sonko and Ferdinand Waititu mirrors the process Governor Kawira Mwangaza is currently undergoing. In both cases, a majority of senators voted in favor of upholding their impeachments.

Governor Mwangaza is slated to present her defense to the plenary on Wednesday, countering the accusations raised by the MCAs.

Following this, the senators will cast their votes to decide whether she should remain in office or be ousted in accordance with the resolution passed by the Meru County Assembly.

For the governor to avoid impeachment, she needs the backing of a minimum of 24 Senators.