Students at Kabarak University took to the streets to protest the death of a pharmacy student who was hit by a police vehicle that fled the scene of the accident.

Joshua Plimo, a first-year student studying pharmacy at Kabarak University, died after being hit by a vehicle. The incident was documented at the Menengai Police Station as OB no. 02/19/11/2023.

PHOTO | COURTESY Students protesting


According to witnesses, the vehicle's driver, a police van with government registration plates, lost control after missing a bump and colliding with the student.

PHOTO | COURTESY Joshua Plimo( the victim )

The accident happened around 9 p.m. on Saturday along the Nakuru-Ravine highway. The student was transported to the school's healthcare facility, where he died shortly after arrival.

“The student tried to avoid being hit by the speeding vehicle but it was too late. The vehicle hit him hard,” said a witness.

The driver is believed to have sped away from the accident scene. Police officers from Mang'u Police Station, led by the OCPD, arrived at the accident scene and pledged to investigate.

PHOTO | COURTESY the car that hit the student

The OCPD also applauded the students for keeping the peace and confirmed that the alleged car had been arrested - and that investigations were ongoing.

The Kabarak University Students Organisation (KUSO), the students' leader, conveyed her heartfelt sympathies to the family on behalf of the students.

“We strongly condemn this reckless act and are deeply concerned about the apparent negligence that led to such a tragic loss. The issue is being followed up at Menengai Police Station under OB no. 02/19/11/2023. The safety of our students is of utmost importance, and we will not rest until justice is served for our fallen brother and friend,” read the KUSO statement in part.