The Law Society of Kenya (LSK) now wants an immediate arrest of Mumias East MP Peter Salasya after he reportedly threatened a magistrate who ordered him to pay a debt of Kes 500,000 to a businessman.

The legislature is alleged to have made death threats against Resident Magistrate Gladys Kiama after she ordered him to pay Robert Lutta the debt with interest and cost of the case.

The businessman had filed a case challenging MP Salasya to pay the money he lent him on December 13, 2022, with the agreement that he would repay after two months.

According to a police report filed at the Kakamega Police Station, "He (Salasya) confronted her outside the courtroom and threatened to kill her and then took off”.

In a statement,  LSK president Eric Theuri wants the Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) to move expeditiously and apprehend the accused legislator, asserting that they condemn attacks against judicial officers.

"The Judiciary plays a pivotal role in upholding justice and any attempts at interference with its independence is a matter of grave concern," read part of a statement.

"This call for immediate legal action is crucial to send an unequivocal and strong message that threats against judicial officers will not be tolerated in our democratic society."