Government Spokesperson Hussein Mohammed on Sunday confirmed that only 51 people were cleared by the government to attend the COP28 UN climate talks in the UAE.

Speaking to Citizen TV, Mohamed claimed that the number of delegates reported to represent Kenya was greatly exaggerated.

The spokesperson said while the government was committed to austerity measures, climate change, which affects many aspects of the economy, has seen various players drawn from county governments and the private sector sponsoring the attendees.

"The number that was given was exaggerated; those registered does no necessarily mean those who came.”

"Non-government entities are facilitating several Kenyans to participate in this COP28. The list of the people that were cleared by the government is 51," he said.

Further, he said that while the President was committed to walking the talk, he had no control over other sectors outside the presidency sponsoring attendees.

"We have so many other Kenyans from the private sector, non-state actors, county government, parliament, is that part of the Presidency? No.”

"The Head of State is walking the talk, he was clear about reducing the numbers and he had done so, the other day he even spoke about reducing the allowances given to people and he has done so."

This comes in the backdrop of multiple reports that Kenya, despite committing to austerity measures in the face of a ballooning cost of living, had deployed a 763-man delegation to the UAE climate talks.

More than 97,000 participants have badges to attend this year’s Conference of the Parties (COP) in Dubai in person.

According to a statement from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) detailing the list of participants, Kenya ranks 12th with the most delegates.

Among those in attendance, led by President William Ruto, are First Lady Rachel Ruto, Second Lady Dorcas Rigathi, Prime CS Musalia Mudavadi, Environment and Forestry CS Soipan Tuya and Attorney General Justin Muturi.

Other CSs include Rebecca Miano (Trade), Njuguna Ndung'u (Treasury), Aisha Jumwa (Public Service), Alice Wahome (Water), Senate Speaker Amason Kingi, State House Spokesperson Hussein Mohammed and COTU Secretary General Francis Atwoli.

About 13 Governors, Senators, MPs, State House staff, Principal Secretaries (PSs), government officials, county staff, Personal Assistants (PAs), advisors, and researchers are also in attendance.