Nominated Senator Karen Nyamu delighted her Facebook followers by sharing a video showcasing her distinctive dance moves. The mother of three, exuding joy in a vibrant pink ensemble, gracefully swayed to the rhythm of a song playing in the background. In her caption, the politician asserted that her happiness translates to the happiness of Nairobi. This post captured the attention of many Kenyans on social media, leading to a flurry of comments expressing their thoughts on the lively display.

Some think the nominated senator cannot be taken serious in the senate because of the video. "Haki no wonder hata useme vitu very serious and important kwa Senate, they will never take you seriously. Speaker already has an attire n a tone towards you. Just an opinion," one netizen commented.

"Kuna stage uliruka wewe Sasa ndo unajaribu kucatch up NAYO!!!weeee," another commentor added.

However, there are those who were ammused by the senators dance and did not shy away from leaving positive comments.

Numerous Kenyans on social media expressed their joy for her, highlighting her distinctive dancing skills. Some even playfully suggested that Samidoh was a fortunate man.

Karen Nyamu continues to garner a substantial number of followers on social media regularly. Many engage with her posts for entertainment, and we extend our best wishes to her.