The Homa Bay County boss has disputed a recent report by the Controller of Budget (CoB), noting that Homa Bay was one of the counties that didn't spend money on development in the first quarter.

In a news release, the County assured the public that its expenditures align with financial allocations, citing progress in numerous development initiatives from July to September.

PHOTO | COURTESY Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga

“During the first quarter of the financial year, Homa Bay County made significant progress in various development projects and initiatives focused on improving infrastructure, healthcare, education, and other key sectors,” stated the County Government.

“Notable achievements during our tenure include the completion of the Raila Odinga Stadium in Homa Bay, construction of the Outpatient Department at the County Referral Hospital, maternity unit at the Rachuonyo District Hospital, Magina Health Centre, Miniambo, among other hospitals,” the statement added.

Wanga also mentioned tractors, renovated ECDE centers, and interventions at the Kigoto Maize Mill as development projects for the fiscal year.

The County Executive further ascribed the issues to irregular National Treasury disbursements, claiming that the county received only one capitation over the entire quarter.

PHOTO | COURTESY Homa Bay Governor Gladys Wanga

“In addition, disbursements from the National Treasury have been irregular, with capitation for July only available for use at the end of August and the August capitation not arriving until October 2023, outside of the first quarter i.e. the period under review. This meant that we only received one capitation in the entire quarter,” she said.

The County stated that it is actively working with authorities to remedy the problem.

Margaret Nyakang'o, the Controller of Budget, claimed in the report that Embu, Nairobi, Kericho, Kilifi, Machakos, Samburu, Turkana, Wajir, and West Pokot counties have similarly failed to spend money on development.