The East African Community Regional Force (EACRF)has announced the withdrawal of the security troops deployed to the war-torn Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

In a statement, EACRF's commander Maj Gen Aphaxard Kiugu, confirmed that the last team set to depart Congo soil on Thursday, 21, 2023.

He said the contingents from four countries have sufficiently addressed the conflict and helped to restore partial calm in the region.

After the infamous armed organization March 23 Movement (M23) took control of areas bordering Uganda and Rwanda, the presidents of the states of Kenya, Burundi, Uganda, and South Sudan (EAC) approved the deployment of their soldiers in November 2022, sparking the conflict.

The Kenya Defence Forces (KDF) were the first to arrive and were able to neutralize threats in Goma, the capital of North Kivu's eastern province, where the M23 rebels had heavily infiltrated.

The crew from Burundi arrived in March 2023, initially settling in Mubambiro before relocating to Kirolirwe, Kitchanga, and Mweso.

Ugandan forces entered the Congo later in April 2023, setting up camp first in Bunagana and then in Chengerero, Kiwanja, and Mabenga.

The South Sudanese force deployed alongside the Ugandan contingent on the same day, joining the KDF as both groups extended their deployments into Tongo and Mulimbi.

Since then, the Joint Operation Area (JOA) troops have helped to mediate a ceasefire between the M23 rebels and the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC), according to Major Gen. Kiugu.

Kiugu continued, saying that even if the truce was ultimately broken, it guaranteed civilian safety and lessened threats from other armed groups.

"Albeit fragile, the ceasefire lasted from 07 March to 06 October 2023, when it was breached following the resumption of hostilities between M23 and FARDC," said Gen Kiugu.

Further,  EARCF has been lauded for partially opening the main supply routes, preventing direct threats to Goma and Sake towns.

This resulted in the gradual return of Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) to their rural homes.

By interacting with leadership organizations, the military also made it possible for the communities in the area to coexist and aided in the expansion of humanitarian efforts there.

Despite the victories, Kiugu pointed out that the military, including the M23 rebels, had conquered the regions that the EACRF had cleared.