A pick-up vehicle transporting Miraa lost control and rammed a saloon car at the Nyangati trading center along the Mwea-Embu road in Kirinyaga County on Saturday evening.

According to police, the driver of the truck loaded with miraa and two passengers escaped with no injuries.

Speaking to Citizen Digital, Agness Wangeci, a trader in the area, said the Miraa vehicle lost control and hit an oncoming car as it attempted to divert from the rubble on the road.

No injuries were reported in the other car traveling in the general direction of Embu.

“I saw four miraa pick-up trucks speeding towards Nairobi's direction. The four vehicles were following each other fast when one of them lost control. It is a miracle that no one was injured, and we thank God,” said another trader, Calorine Kimani.

The driver of the pick-up vehicle had to be whisked away to safety by police officers from Wanguru Station – as angry residents milled at the scene.

“Recently there have been rising accidents on this road, and some of them are caused by these vehicles transporting miraa.”

“Some of the drivers do not care or respect other road users when on the road. It is time the police took the necessary action to stop this madness,” Peter Gachoki, a resident of Nyangati.

The two vehicles are currently at the Wanguru police station.

Mwea-east sub-county Police commander James Mutua has warned Miraa drivers against speeding along the busy Mwea-Embu highway.