A woman is facing charges of causing grievous harm for allegedly pouring boiling cooking oil on her neighbour and dislocating her jaw over accusations of copying her hairstyle.

NTV reported on January 16 that Catherine Wanjiru allegedly burned Sherry Nyanchomba in their Dandora, Nairobi, home.

Nyanchomba greeted Wanjiru at their home's gate as she was returning home late at night. Then, according to reports, the suspect accused her of imitating her look by coloring her hair a shade close to hers.

Before the two got into a fight, Wanjiru reportedly went to a neighboring fish vendor's stand, scooped the hot oil, and allegedly poured it on Nyanchomba's face.

The victim's teeth were allegedly dislocated when the perpetrator allegedly gripped and tugged on her jaw. Neighbours interfered and broke up the fight.

After being taken to a neighboring facility, Nyanchomba received treatment and was directed to the Mama Lucy Kibaki Hospital. After receiving care, she informed the police of the situation.

When police finished their investigation into the event, Wanjiru was called and taken into custody.

When the woman appeared before Makadara Law Courts Senior Principal Magistrate Justus Kituku, she was accused of violating Section 234 of the Penal Code by causing grave hurt.

She denied the charges and was released on a bond of Ksh.50,000 and an alternative cash bail of Ksh.20,000.

The case is set for mention on March 6 before the hearing starts on May 30.