If the Kenya Kwanza administration moves through with the new tax measures, the Azimio Brigade, under the leadership of Kalonzo Musyoka, has threatened to go back on the streets.

 According to Musyoka, they will organize protests across Kenya in order to pressure Kenya Kwanza to revoke the Finance Bill's implementation, which they claim will drive up the cost of necessities like bread.

"We cannot allow these punitive taxations that are choking Kenyans," said Kalonzo.

Other leaders of Azimio, such as Eugene Wamalwa of DAP Kenya, accompanied Kalonzo to the Sunday church service in Nairobi's Embakasi East Constituency.

Wamalwa charged that the government is ignoring Kenyans who, because of the high cost of living, cannot afford to eat once a day.

"The Kenya Kwanza government has no clue about what Kenyans are going through in these hard times economically," said Wamalwa.

Elsewhere, Narc-K leader Martha Karua, speaking in Nakuru County, also criticized Kenya Kwanza’s proposals in the Finance Bill, which seeks to collect 300 billion shillings more through taxes.

"This is inhumane by the Kenya Kwanza administration. How on earth do they subject people to this much suffering?" pondered Karua.

As parliament reconvenes this Monday to consider the report on the ouster of Agriculture CS Mithika Linturi, the Azimio leaders want the 11-member committee, which has been considering the removal of the embattled CS and has been burning the midnight oil over the weekend, to come up with a report on whether or not the allegations of Linturi’s involvement in the fake fertilizer scandal have been substantiated so that when the whole house committee debates on the report, they are informed by the evidence and not personal vendetta.

"If the committee recommends that there was no case to answer, the CS will be let off the hook. But if it finds him at fault, then he will be invited to defend himself before the house, before a vote is taken whereby a majority will have their way," they said.