Suba North MP Millie Odhiambo Mabona, known for her assertive approach in the National Assembly, recently accused South Mugirango MP Silvanus Osoro of inappropriate conduct during a parliamentary special sitting. Millie alleged that Osoro made sexually suggestive gestures towards Migori MP Fatuma Mohamed. Amid loud shouts in the House, Millie condemned Osoro’s behavior, calling it out of order and abhorrent.

Suba North Member of Parliament Millie Odhiambo Mabona has never shied away from addressing issues in the National Assembly.

Millie recently accused MP Silvanus Osoro of making sexually suggestive gestures towards Migori MP Fatuma Mohamed. Over the years, she has garnered both admirers and critics for her tenacity in the male-dominated political arena. Despite often engaging in shouting contests, her combative approach has never deterred her from standing her ground.

South Mugirango MP Silvanus Osoro is the latest to find himself in Millie Odhiambo Mabona's crosshairs in parliament.

During a special parliamentary sitting on Monday, May 13, Millie accused the Majority Whip of conduct unbecoming. She alleged that Osoro made sexually suggestive gestures towards Migori MP Fatuma Mohamed after Mohamed accused her of interfering with affairs in Kisii County.

"I don’t think it is in order for Hon Osoro to be physically making sexually suggestive gestures in this house. He is pointing to his phallus in this House while pointing at Hon Fatuma. It is completely out of order, it is abhorrent, and it is backward. Madam Speaker, it is not allowed in this house. We don’t even know whether he performs. What is he showing us here?" Millie said amid loud shouts in the House.