Through her social media, Diana Chepkemoi, who narrowly escaped death in Saudi Arabia, shared a post with her fans featuring a lovely photo in which she looks gorgeous and attractive.

In her post, Diana Chepkemoi expressed that nature is beautiful, and so is black, emphasizing that her melanin-rich skin defines her beauty. The accompanying photo showcases Diana's charm and attractiveness, embodying the saying that a woman is a precious gem and the best gift given to man by the Creator.

After sharing this post, netizens showered her with compliments, using sweet words to describe her beauty. Here are some of the comments she received:

Diana Chepkemoi's transformation, after she was rescued from her employer in Saudi Arabia, has elicited strong reactions from Kenyans.

Diana Chepkemoi cried out and said she was going to die in Saudi Arabian as a result of the condition she was in. According to a reputable source of information, Diana reportedly left the country and travelled to the Middle East in pursuit of a better life.

Later, she admitted that she was having a difficult time in Saudi Arabia and pleaded with the authorities to assist her in returning home. Several government representatives were drawn to her appeal and brought her home.