Police have arrested three suspects connected to the death of a 42-year-old businesswoman who was killed at Chamgiwadu trading center in Rongo, Migori County.

Confirming the arrest, Rongo Sub-county Police Commander Salim Fundi said a manhunt is underway for more suspects.

Fundi has promised to ensure that anyone linked to the murder of Elizabeth Anyango is arrested and apprehended accordingly.

The middle-aged woman was found lying in a pool of blood on the bed by relatives who had gone to check on her.

According to police, she had stab wounds around the neck, an indication that she was murdered.

The police commander has assured of immediate action to restore security in Rongo Sub-County.

He said they have increased night patrols in the whole sub-county and more so in areas where cases of insecurity have been reported.

The police commander appealed to the public to work closely with security officers to curb insecurity in the area.