Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua, in a significant move, made his first public appearance on Sunday, a development that coincided with reports of a potential split in Kenya's ruling Kwanza coalition. 

Gachagua attended a church service at Endarasha Catholic Church in the Kieni constituency of Nyeri County. 

His appearance, following a series of unexpected absences from crucial state functions, has sparked speculation that he may have fallen out with President William Ruto. 

The speculation grew even more intense when Transport CS Kipchumba Murkomen and Opposition Leader Raila Odinga turned away Uganda President Yoweri Museveni during his three-day state visit to Kenya.

President Ruto was in Rwanda when Museveni left the country. It was expected that at least DP Gachagua would accompany Museveni. 

The DP was also absent during the tree-planting holiday, which Ruto and other government officials led across the country. 

Gachagua, known for being active in state events, particularly around Ruto, has stayed away, with even his social media accounts going silent. 

Furthermore, the sequence of events surrounding the Limuru III meeting, including Gachagua's absence and the formation of the Haki Coalition, has significantly fueled speculation about a potential fallout within Kenya Kwanza. 

Gachagua has recently advocated for a one-person, one-vote, one-shilling campaign by some Mt. Kenya leaders. Those who attended Limuru III insisted on this, blasting Ruto for allegedly ignoring the Mt. Kenya region, which overwhelmingly supported him in the 2022 elections. 

According to its leaders, the Haki Coalition was formed at the Limuru III meeting to help the mountain people chart a course for the future.