The search for a 54-year-old man who was buried alive while harvesting sand at a site in Ngucue village is ongoing in Kirinyaga County.

According to police, the man, identified as Josphat Muchiri, was buried alive after a cliff at Ngucue quarry collapsed on him on Tuesday night.

“Efforts to locate him are ongoing. Locals from Murinduko Ward have joined the search operation,” police said.

According to the authorities, it is believed that the man was buried 10 feet under.

“Two people escaped unhurt. They are being attended to as they are still in shock.”

Sand harvesting is a common trade in the area, and many people resort to it to support their families.

“Farming is an option but due to lack of water, we got into sand harvesting,” said Paul Muna, a resident.

The Mwea East security team oversees the exercise, led by the area Deputy County Commissioner (DCC) Fred Ayieko.